Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School


And not because it means I get to lay around all day eating bon bons and watching soap operas. I actually have never watched soap operas and I'm not really sure exactly what counts as a bon-bon.

I love coming up with creative ways to get everyone as excited as I am about going back to school...

Like back-to-school cupcakes

And serving dinner in lunch boxes--Surprise!

I love buying new clothes...
And having the TV on less.
So I woke up bright and early this morning at 6:00am...

Made the kids a healthy breakfast,
we got beds made,
the dog walked,

and some cute pictures taken.

We were even ready when the buses arrived.
Both of the boys made it to the right schools on time!
So what am I going to do in two weeks when Brycen starts kindergarten and I have five mornings a week to myself?
I guess I'll just have to go shopping!
Actually, I worry a little about being lonely having the house to myself every morning for the first time in 10 years. Now would be the perfect time to have an new baby!

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