Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Brycen's 9/11 Tribute

Okay so I usually don't like to do two post about the same child in a row, but I just have to share this video. Brycen's class learned about the tragedy of 9/11last week. This video is Brycen retelling the events of that horrible day to my mom. I am glad he understands some of what happened that day even though it happened two years before he was born. When he came home from school that day and told me the story he finished by telling me that just because bad things sometimes happen doesn't mean everyone is bad; and sometimes bad things happen to good people.By the way I think the many jealous interruptions by Zachary add to the cutest of the video. Also I think my ability to cover Zac's mouth while almost holding the camera steady is rather impressive!

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