Friday, February 15, 2008

Our New Hobby

The webkinz craze has hit our home in a big way! Zac and Brycen got their first pets for Christmas, and now they each have four. Lance thinks it is funny that the kids play so much with their online pets while poor old Sebastian just lies around waiting for someone to throw his tennis ball or even bathe him.

By the way, for those of you who do not know about Webkinz they are little stuffed animals that come with a code for their website. The website is a whole new world. You can buy your pets everything from clothes to furniture to seed to garden with, even golf cart for them to ride around in. The boys pets have a working pool table, air hockey game, and battleship. The pets come with one room, but you can buy more. Brycen loves to buy rooms I think their house has 19 rooms now. To get money you have to play games, answer triva questions, or get a job.

Okay, now for the really funny part, my sister and I each bought ourselves one yesterday too. I now have a racoon name Shay Honor and Ali has a Love Frog named Lady.

Starting in the back row: Snowprincess (Brycen), Sushi (Zac), Blitzen (Zac)

Middle row: Snow (Brycen), Snow Angel (Brycen's 1st), Sparky (Zac), Shay Honor (mine)

Smoden (Zac's 1st), Front row: Ice (Brycen) Notice a theme in Brycen's names?

Zac and Ali's dog Lieca hang out on an old sheet on my bed while the rest of us take care of our virtual pets. And no I do not let animals on our bed, but Lieca thinks she is a person!

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