Monday, July 23, 2012

Chef Kami

 Kami loves to help in the kitchen.  Meals and treats take a little longer to prepare with my happy helper, who insists on mixing and tasting just about everything, but I can not think of a better way to spend my time.  Oh, I guess things get a little messier too, but we both love it.  Now if only I could get her to eat some of the things she helps make!  She loves her Ariel shirt, she actually says it is her on the shirt.  I can see why she things that, beautiful long hair, and incredible, big, glamorous eyes.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Can she really be turning three???

Kami got to go along on the "Father/Son campout."  She loved every minute of it and wanted to stay longer.  Hanging with the boys... sure why not!

 Of course Brycen is the one on the top of Lance's car.

She was the only girl, and therefore the only one with a baby, a stroller, a pink suitcase, and a pink blanket.

She had her friends over Friday for a Mermaid/Superhero party.

The kids were all so excited and had an absolute blast.

She is so beautiful!

 Mermaid tails and Superhero capes, aren't they sweet?

 A huge for her best friend and cousin Jakey

Lance said she looks like a Kansas girl. I just can't believe she is growing up so quickly.

 SO much personality in a tiny little package.

After three wonderful years, we still fall more in love with our princess everyday!