Sunday, October 2, 2011

Big Girl!

Yesterday we set up kami's big girl bed. She was so excited. She loves all her new pillows and her new "sheeps" (sheets). We were very worried about her staying in bed, but she did great. We read books and tucked her in with her pink snooishy and said good night. Moments later he walked in the living room and said "Hi!" Almost like hey you know I can just walk out right? She kissed everyone again, including the dog and I put her back to bed and told her she needed to stay in her big girl bed. That was it, she went right to sleep.

Ready for bed, for some reason she really wanted her toes in the picture.

Kami "helping" me make her new bed.

Sweet sleeping princess.

Kami's big mess!

Kami decided that it would be lots of fun to take all her clothes out of her drawers and scatter them all over the floor. She she finished she was so proud of herself and came to get me to see her grand accomplishment. I had to leave the room to laugh, so this didn't become a daily occurrence. She is such a crack up.