Saturday, July 18, 2009

This Week

Our pool is finally warm enough that Kami likes dipping her toes in it.
It has been over 100 degrees all week, so the pool feels real nice.

Kami is a big time cooing baby now. She didn't perform
all that great for the camera; I think because she could really see
me as well. Still she is super cute wiggling and smiling and if you listen
close enough you can hear her coo a little.
Brycen has the coolest loft bed. We took Zac's bed out from under it to give each of the boys more of a feeling of having their own spaces in their room. It also gives them more room overall. Brycen has had a bit of a hard time adjusting to sharing a room with Zac. We often find him sleeping in odd places. Here are some place he slept this week. He also tried to sleep in the bottom of the linen closet, but we didn't get a picture of that.

He slept until after 9am like this.

Also not pictured: Kami experienced her first Nordstorm sale on Friday.

It is so fun to have a shopping buddy! Lance took the morning off so Kami

and I could go shopping. Funny thing is we only bought stuff for the boys

and Nordstorm. I did buy a dress, at another store,

for Kami to where to my sister's wedding.